Our chapter is working to build a community of Hokies in Fauquier County, Virginia. Our primary goal is to provide scholarships to local students and offer guidance to them and their families as they embark on their college experience at Virginia Tech.
Welcome to the City

Welcome to the City

New to the area? Want to learn more about Fauquier? Join us for Sunset Polo at Great Meadow! Admission tickets are available online for $25 per vehicle (five people), or you can pay $30 cash per vehicle at the gate....

2023 in Photos

2023 in Photos

2023 was an great year for the Fauquier Hokies! From The Big Event to our Student Send-off to our Hokie Hike (as well as other fun gatherings), we represented the VT community with pride. 2024 will be even more exciting, so keep your eyes on this webpage, as well as our social media accounts, for upcoming events....